
Relevant commands

Cite a source by referencing the label of a BibTeX entry (see next section):

We base our evaluation on that from \cite{author2023}.

Use the correct quotation marks. Do not just use the single or double quotes from your keyboard. Instead:


For longer quotes, you can optionally use the quote environment (provided by our template):

\begin{quote}[Whitten et al. \cite{sample:whitten1999johnny}]
    ``It is well known that the security of a networked computer is only as strong as its weakest component.''


BibTeX formats your bibliography automatically at the end of your text, you just need to provide the relevant information in BibTeX entries. Many science-related websites, including conference sites, Google Scholar, and Wikipedia, supply these BibTeX entries. However, the level of detail and their values may vary across sites, hence requiring some cleanup on your part.

Below are the most crucial source types you will need and their expected formatting1.

Some general rules:

  • Please ensure these details are included and remove any additional information. If a digital object identifier (DOI) is available, you can keep it.
  • Using quotation marks or braces around the values makes no difference.
  • For titles featuring subtitles, divide them using a colon, dash, or period.
  • Regarding author names, adhere to the syntax {Doe, John}. For collaborations involving two or more authors, link them with “and”: {Doe, Joe and Smith, Jane}.
  • To prevent the misinterpretation of company names or similar entities as individual names, enclose them in additional braces: {{Super Important Company} and Doe, John} or "{Super Important Company} and Doe, John".
  • The BibTeX entries are identified by a label, such as “author2023” or “website2023” in the examples below. You can select any unique name that suits you; opt for those that you can most easily recognize and remember.
  • If information is missing, write “unknown”. For websites, if no author is explicitly mentioned, use the website owner, which can be found in the Impressum. For git repositories and similar platforms, use the repository owner as the author.

Conference/workshop/… paper:

  title        = {An Analysis of Example},
  author       = {John Smith and Jane Doe},
  year         = {2023},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Example},
  publisher    = {ACM Press},
  volume       = {1},
  number       = {2},
  pages        = {123--130}


    author    = {Jane Smith},
    title     = {Title of the Article},
    journal   = {Name of the Journal},
    year      = {2023},
    volume    = {4},
    number    = {2},
    pages     = {100-105}


    author    = {Jane Smith},
    title     = {Title of the Book},
    publisher = {Publishing House},
    year      = {2023},
    address   = {City of Publication},
    edition   = {3rd}


    author    = {John Doe},
    title     = {Title of the Web Page},
    year      = {2023},
    url       = {},
    note      = {Accessed on: 2023-10-04}

Personal conversation or interview:

    author    = {John Doe},
    title     = {Personal conversation with the developer of SomeAwesomeTool},
    note      = {2023-10-04}

  1. Examples adopted from: ↩︎
