Master - Seminar - An Overview over recent Security and Privacy Literature

Supervisor: Anna-Marie (

Together with students, I have developed a database to store and organize information from research publications in Developer-Centered Usable Security (DCUS), e.g. publication with expert participants, such as software developers or administrators. The focus of this information is on data collection and analysis practices, specifically statistical hypothesis tests, and how this information can be used to conduct apriori power analysis to estimate sample size.

Your task

  • Identify at least 5 DCUS papers from 2022/2023, e.g. from the SOUPS, S&P, USENIX Security, ICSE and/or CHI conferences, based on criteria given in [1], section 3
  • Extract information on data collection and analysis from these publications and enter it into the database

It is possible to do this seminar as a group, although every person in the group will have to analyse their own papers

Literature to start with:
